What is Glutathione and The Benefits For Your Skin | Glutathione Benefits for Skin Whitening

Glutathione is a strong antioxidant produced by enzymatic reaction in our body. It is made from three amino acids- glycine, cysteine and glutamic acid. Amino acids combine in different ways to form proteins for our body. Glutathione is produced by our liver and is involved in many body functions. It helps in fighting free radicals, peroxides, lipid peroxides and heavy metals that can damage our body cells. It also helps in eliminating pollutants from our body.
Why We Need Glutathione
Although glutathione is naturally produced in our body but still we need to maintain its levels. Its level reduces due to poor food habits, pollution, stress and aging. Glutathione performs many important functions in our body. It helps in making DNA, which is the main building block of proteins and cells in our body. It also helps in supporting immune system, breaking down free radicals and regenerating vitamin C and vitamin E in our body. It improves insulin resistance, reduces oxidative stress, reduces inflammation, slows aging and can also help in fighting autoimmune diseases. Low levels of glutathione may increase the risk of many diseases like cancer, type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, cystic fibrosis, mental disorders, neurodegenerative disorder, infertility in men and women, hypertension and hepatitis to name a few.
Methods to increase Glutathione levels naturally
Certain foods rich in Sulfur, Vitamin C, Selenium, turmeric, whey protein and dairy products can also helps in improving the glutathione levels in our body. Let’s discuss them in detail:-
- Selenium rich food- Selenium helps in the production of glutathione. Foods such as sunflower seeds, eggs, and fish are rich in Selenium and help in protecting our body cells from damage.
- Dairy products- Milk, curd, cheese, butter and other dairy products contain a protein called beta-casein which can increase glutathione levels in our body.
- Consume whey protein- It is a by-product obtained from cheese production. The whey obtained during cheese formation is processed to obtain whey protein. It helps in muscle repair and growth. Whey protein is generally consumed after exercise and workouts.
- Foods rich in vitamin C- Berries, bell peppers, strawberries, kiwi, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and citrus foods like oranges, lemon and grapefruit are known source of vitamin C. Vitamin C also helps in generating glutathione in our body. It helps in supporting our immune system and also improves our skin health.
- Foods rich in vitamin B6- Vitamin B6 is a water soluble vitamin which helps in the synthesis of glutathione. Foods such as beef liver, salmon, tuna, chickpeas, cereals, potatoes, starchy vegetables, bananas, papaya, oranges and dark leafy vegetables are a rich source of vitamin B6. Deficiency of vitamin B6 can lead to certain medical conditions like low immunity, depression, skin problems and microcytic anemia.
- Sulfur rich food- Sulfur is required for the synthesis of glutathione in our body. Foods such as beef, fish, eggs, cauliflower, kale, broccoli, garlic, onions, spinach, almonds and mustard greens are a rich source of Sulfur.
- Foods rich in glutathione- Although body produces glutathione naturally in our body, we can maintain its levels by consuming foods which are rich in glutathione. Spinach, avocado, asparagus and lady’s finger are some of the foods which contain glutathione. An important thing to keep in mind is that storing and cooking methods can decrease the amount of glutathione present in food.
- Turmeric- This golden orange herb is a common in Indian households. Turmeric is widely used as an anti inflammatory and antibacterial since ancient times. Curcumin present in turmeric can increase the glutathione levels in our body.
- Enough sleep- Good sound sleep is the key to healthy body and mind. Lack of sleep can cause oxidative stress, which may further lead to decrease in glutathione levels in our body.
- Regular exercise and stress management- Exercise is very important for physical and mental health especially in today’s world where our lives have turned so hectic and stressful. Our body and mind needs to relax for some time to regain its energy. Exercise not only keeps us physically fit but also increases the antioxidant levels in our body. At the same time meditation, deep breathing and yoga also helps in maintaining our mental health and keep stress at bay.
- Supplements- Apart from foods, glutathione supplements are also available in markets which can be taken by consulting a doctor or a medical practitioner.
Glutathione Benefits For Health
Glutathione plays a very important role in maintaining our health. It helps in controlling and maintaining many body functions. Glutathione helps in neutralizing free radicals in our body. It also helps in generating vitamin C and E. Glutathione helps in improving our immune system, slows down aging as it is a natural detoxifier, helps in skin whitening, reduces oxidative stress which leads to change in molecular structure and function which is not good for our body cells. It also improves insulin resistance, reduces inflammation in the body, improve heart and liver health. It also reduces oxidative stress, may fight autoimmune disease, improve psoriasis and improve mobility for individuals suffering from peripheral artery disease. Glutathione Benefits
Glutathione for Skin

Glutathione not only improves our health but also helps in making our skin healthy and glowing as it holds anti-aging properties. As it is a natural detoxifier it helps in reversing aging of skin. It protects the skin from wrinkles, fine lines, acne, pigmentation and dark circles under the eyes. Glutathione also helps in controlling the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for color of the skin. Low production of melanin can lead to even skin tone, reduced pigmentation and dark spots.
Glutathione Benefits for skincare
Glutathione can be incorporated in our daily skincare routine by including skincare products that contain glutathione. This is one of the simplest and easiest methods to incorporate glutathione and improve the overall health of our skin. There are also many supplements available in the market which can be taken to improve the overall health of skin. One must consult a doctor or a physician before consuming these supplements. Glutathione Benefits
Glutathione Benefits | Glutathione Benefits for Skin | Glutathione Benefits for Health | Glutathione Benefits for Overall Health | Glutathione Benefits for Men | Glutathione Benefits for Women | Glutathione Benefits for Skin Whitening
Written by -: HARKIRAN KAUR
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